Financial Well-Being Blog
Changing Careers
February 05, 2024

Podcast: Navigating Finances Through a Career Transition

Podcasts, Money Management

A career change can have a significant impact on your finances. It may involve a temporary decrease in income or require additional education or training expenses. A career change may also increase your income, but this could result in a phenomenon called lifestyle creep – where former luxuries become perceived necessities. When making a change in your career path, regardless of whether it’s planned or not, it’s important to re-evaluate your financial situation to ensure that you stay on track to meet your financial goals.


Wealth Management by CommunityAmerica Wealth Advisor, Taylor Ahern, and CommunityAmerica Financial Well-Being Coach, Ryan Steitz, discuss different financial strategies to consider when changing careers. Learn about transitional budgeting and instilling smart investing habits in the Community Conversation podcast. Listen in at the link below.


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About the Author
taylor ahern
Taylor Ahern

Wealth Management by CommunityAmerica

Taylor Ahern, MBA, enjoys working with individuals and families on their financial plans to help them achieve financial peace of mind.

About the Author
Ryan Steitz
Ryan Steitz

Financial Well-Being Coach

As a Financial Well-Being Coach, Ryan understands the positive impact of financial literacy, which is why he thoroughly enjoys helping members set and achieve their life financial goals.