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March 01, 2021

The 3 Best Budgeting Apps of 2021

Money Management, Technology

If you are a frequent reader of our Financial Well-Being Blog, you know how much we preach the importance of creating a budget and sticking to it. Here are a few of the most popular budgeting apps of 2021 that you can use to help keep you on track with your spending:


PocketGuard is a free budgeting app that is perfect for beginning budgeters looking to get their spending on the right track. This might be the most user-friendly app out there right now, with a simple set up process. Once you link your accounts to the app, it will detect any recurring bills, income, and savings coming through the accounts monthly. After finding a rhythm of your monthly spending, it will be able to provide you with a quick view of what you have to spend on a weekly basis. PocketGuard also allows you to organize your expenses and transactions how you best see fit and will provide you with tips on where you can cut your spending. Not only is this a budgeting app, but it can help you cut spending and save money as well! This app is also compatible with all iPhone and Android devices.

You Need a Budget – YNAB 

You Need a Budget, or YNAB for short, is another great budgeting app that is a little more advanced than the two mentioned above. This app does have a fee attached – either $11.99/month or $84/year – but comes with a 34-day free trial to see if it is the right app for your budgeting needs. The main difference in YNAB compared to other budgeting apps out there right now is that this app builds your budget based on your income, making sure you have a plan and allocating every single dollar accordingly. This app requires you to be forward thinking and intentional about every dollar you spend. On top of a more in-depth budget, YNAB offers numerous other features such as goal tracking, workshops, and debt payoff tips to help you take total control of your finances. Just like the other two, this app is compatible with all iPhone and Android devices as well as online.

These are just a couple of the dozens of budgeting apps and tools that are out there today. You may be hesitant to stray away from your typical budgeting style but take some time to play around with these programs — and others — and you might just find something that changes the way you budget!

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About the Author
Kat Hnatyshyn

Indirect Lending Program Director

Kat Hnatyshyn currently serves as the Indirect Lending Program Director at CommunityAmerica Credit Union, overseeing the program and our partnership with approximately 160 auto and Harley Davidson dealerships throughout the Kansas City metro. This partnership gives CommunityAmerica members a smooth auto buying experience by allowing them to finance their vehicle through us, directly from the dealership.