January 14, 2021

Profit Payout Returns $8.4 Million to Members

CommunityAmerica Credit Union announced this week it returned $8.4 million to its members as part of Profit Payout1.


It is the 25th straight year the Credit Union has issues a dividend to its members.


"2020 was an exceptionally difficult year for so many individuals and businesses," CommunityAmerica CEO Lisa Ginter said in a press release. "We are truly grateful we were able to support our members in their greatest time of need with skip payments, deferments, and PPP and consumer loan programs. As a result, our organization is doing very well and we can return those profits at a rate consistent with our pre-pandemic give-back."


To read the Kansas City Business Journal story, click here.


To read the Credit Union Times story, click here.


To learn more about Profit Payout, click here for an overview and here to estimate your Profit Payout potential.